
Observatorio Iberoamericano sobre Buenas Prácticas en Dirección Estratégica de Universidades (TELESCOPI ESPAÑA)

UNESCO Chair of Higher Education Management


TELESCOPIO ESPAÑA was born from a commitment made by the UNESCO Chair of University Management (CUDU) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), in an event co-organized with the CINDA network (Inter-University Development Centre) in May 2006, in Barcelona. At this event, 17 good practices in university management and management were presented and, in view of the interest generated, CUDU undertook to create an "Observatory" to respond to the need for practical and useful, orderly and systematic information and make it available to all the institutions that would like to share it.

From this commitment, the CUDU Telescope was born in 2008, an observatory of good practices in university management in Spain, coordinated by the UNESCO Chair of University Management. With the establishment of the Telescope Network in 2009, the CUDU Telescope became part of this network under the name Telescopio España.

In this context, Telescopio España has been a pioneer in promoting the first calls for Good Practices within the framework of the Network.

The Telescope Network is currently made up of 13 countries in Latin America and 3 countries in Europe. Each partner country coordinates a national observatory and each Telescope national headquarters adopts the name of the corresponding country.
