
TELESCOPI Project: The CUDU has participated in the ALFA III coordination meeting organised by the European Commission in Brussels

The CUDU participated in the ALFA III coordination meeting organised by the European Commission during the 6th and 7th of June 2011.

The main objectives of this meeting were:

  • Exchange of experiences and best practices between the ALFA III projects.
  • Identification of possible needs to foster visibility, creation of synergies and suport to ALFA III projects.
  • Presentation of other regional programs and identification of synergies with ALFA III projects.

The meeting has counted on all the ALFA III projects' coordinators, both from the first and the second call.

The people from the TELESCOPI project that have participated in the meeting are:

  • Xavier Llinàs, Academic Director of the UNESCO Chair of Higher Education Management.
  • Maritza Monge, National Coordinator of the TELESCOPI in Costa Rica and coordinators of the working group "Best Practices"
  • Luís Eduardo González, TELESCOPI project External Assessor.